Lobelia, originally from South Africa, is an amazing bedding plant, but there are also perennial versions. They come is a huge range of colours and sizes, from small, almost baby's breath white clusters, to towering crimson spikes.

The perennial ones generally flower in spikes and flow during summer, and the annuals come in trailing and bush versions and flower from may through to first frost.

The generally like lots of sun, and decent moisture, though the annuals can tolerate a sun baked position well, and is great for hanging baskets.

I like to plant the annual in groups, and think it looks better to stick to one or 2 colours max, or it can get a little messy looking.

The annual blue princess' has a particularly amazing shade of blue - unusal in the garden, and it glows in the evenings!

Get some!


Nerine, Jersey Lilly ( Amaryllidoideae)


Cloud trees, evergreen topiary, small spaces and pruning