

All gardens, budgets and jobs are different, so let me know what you are interested in having done.


PHONE: 07789065384

Follow me on the site, or  ‘like’ me on Facebook /Twitter Google + / Instagram / Linked In

About me: I’m a gardener, landscaper & designer by trade and also an avid gardener of semi-hardy and exotic plants.

Born in Vancouver, Canada, and I spent the ages of 7-14 sailing the world.  I have visited 6 continents,  over 80 countries and colonies, and have an avid interest in the natural world, especially plants.

I’ve come into gardening via practical experience rather than through formal education, having grown plants since I was a child and travelled to most of the major plant eco-systems in the world. I’ve paid my dues! I have been gardening, apprenticing and increasing my skills for 30 years while gardening for myself, on community projects, and in both modern and traditional private gardens.

I have a degree in Fine arts (Painting & Sculpture), and a Degree in Design (Industrial and Online), and continue to paint, sculpt, and design websites and blog! on a regular basis.

I am interested in design, biology, botany, geology, technology, art, photography, archaeology, travel, architecture, eco-design, and environment/energy use/resources to name a few!

My career includes:

  • Gardening & Design
  • Eco-industrial design
  • Product Development
  • Website Design
  • Marketing, SEO and Social Media
  • Buying & Merchandising
  • Toys and Gadgets

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